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Defamation lawyer on defamatory search results on Google

Defamation lawyer asks: Do you think that Google should be responsible for defamatory results that appear on its search results? If the person who posted defamatory allegations about you on the internet cannot be traced, is it fair to allow Google to carry on pointing internet users to the defamatory web page through its search engine?

Google’s view on this is that they are not responsible for internet content, even on their own free Blogger sites and that they are also not responsible for what content appears on the search results.

Google has been claiming in various courts (of democratic countries)  that it has no control over search results but this assertion is difficult to reconcile with its ability and willingness to omit and manipulate search results in countries such as China and Saudi Arabia.

In an interesting twist in a Court of Appeal case which concerns the former conservative council candidate Payam Tamiz, his Barrister Goldwin Busutill made this interesting observation to the court:

‘The notion that the internet runs “automatically” or “passively” is in essence a powerful myth which has been fostered very successfully and profitably by internet superpowers such as Google Inc. It suits their business model to take and to be seen to be taking a ‘‘hands off’’ approach and not really able to do anything about problems that may be generated by their internet-based operations.’

The idea that companies can rip enormous financial benefits without having to incur any risks or liabilities to the citizens of this country is foreign to the English tradition of ‘fair play’.

The same issue has recently been highlighted in the media in relation to the low level of taxes which is paid in the UK by some multinational companies (such as Google and Amazon).

There is a perception that there is something very secretive about these sorts of companies whose operation appears to be anything but transparent.

This apparent lack of transparency might provide these companies with tremendous short term gains but eventually it will come back to bite them.

Written by Defamation lawyer Yair Cohen

 Defamation lawyers website.

Internet Law Centre

Say you’ve been dragged through the mud on the internet. Your reputation is being assaulted with vicious lies, and you don’t even know who’s telling them.

The situation is urgent, but what should you do?

The Internet Law Centre.

Defamation Lawyer Internet Law Centre

Internet Law Centre.

Internet Law Experts: One Very Effective Way to Deal with Defamation on a Complaint Website.

Defamation on a Complaint Website – best practice.

I know of only ONE very effective way to deal with defamation on a Complaint Website.

Most people believe that if you focus on removing the defamatory comments from a Complaint Site the problem will somehow get resolved.

The exact opposite is true. Very often the focus on the Complaint Site invites more defamation problems. You get a reply to your reply and other people who you never even heard of are now making further accusations about you. You don’t want that!
This is my advice and you can ignore this advice at your own peril:
Instead of focusing on the removal of the web pages that contain the defamatory comments about you, you address any issues raised in them but on your own territory.

Here is an example of what I mean: 
A few years back when I was faced with almost an identical problem in retaliation to posts listed on a Complaint Site I wrote a blog post, talking about
what happens to your life when people defame you on the internet, giving my own personal story as an example setting the facts right and even taking responsibility for my own mistakes.  Read more on Internet Defamation Problems

via Internet Law Experts: One Very Effective Way to Deal with Defamation on a Complaint Website..

Defamation solicitor:  Internet Law Centre

Internet Law Centre.

Domain Names essentials – by Internet Lawyer Yair Cohen

How to safely purchase a domain name? How to make sure that after purchasing your new domain name it remains yours?

Once  you consider the so many different ways by which you can lose your domain name, you will see how important it is to keep it safe and secure.

17  Reasons Why Organisations Lose Their Domain Name

Imagine this scenario: All of a sudden you wake up one morning to find that the great website that you invested in—the vehicle that is providing you with business worth tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions of pounds has suddenly disappeared, and there’s a good chance that your domain name is owned not by you, but by somebody else….Essential Reading on Domain Name Security

Keep Domain Secure – Domain Name Recovery

Defamation solicitor: Internet Law Centre

Internet Law Centre. Keeping domain names secure

Keep Domain Secure – Keeping Domain Names Secure.

By Yair Cohen